If we talk about Social Networking Sites, our mind certain think to Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc. For the first those sites were created for making easier into communication between all people, and it can add a lot of networks for doing communication.
But, it function has shifted to another functions which can make all people growled because there are many cases with Social Networking Site.For Example, The recent news there are some girls who are kidnapped by some boys, because the girls loved the boys so much.If they loved one by one, it is no problem, but the problem is the girls are raped by the boys.
It can be our attention (WARNING!) because in Social Networking Sites, there are many fakes profile and we can say them as"PREDATOR". i have just found some people made a fake account, such as the boys who want to get girlfriend, but they are not handsome, so they uploaded an actor photo, or Band personnel photo, so the girls will see them as handsome boys.The Girls are already for making a meeting with them, although it has long distance.
Beside that, there are some boys made girls account, and the girls made boys account.
If we back to the history, in the past time there was one technology which could connect to another people, it was "Intercom". It had good function first, but it made bad effect for housewife destruction.
So that with now, at the appearance Social Networking sites, there are many people who have got married do infidelity, because they have account and always do communication with another people, so far so long, a wife can do infidelity with Facebook or another, and a husband also do it too.
So, with attendance of Social Networking Sites, for preventing some cases of that, we must control our self, and be careful with another people who have not met with us.
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