Do you like reading a book or some texts? I believe in every day, all people read more than 1 word, so it will be interesting, if i analyze the Philosophy of Reading here.
Reading is a complex process. It is cognitive process in translating the symbol by our view and continue to our brain into meaning. When we read text, the symbol, such as A,B,C,....etc will be caught by our sense, it is our two eyes. The stimulate will be continued from eyes to brain for being translated into meaning.
Reading is not just read, but we must understand what we read, so it needs comprehension by the reader. I think the comprehending some texts will find the difficulties because it needs our brain for thinking.
All components in our body are influenced one by one, so when we want to read, not only just read, but also for understanding the text, we must know the Reading factors and techniques of Reading.
Reading factors :
2. Intonation
3. Catching the meaning
4. Punctuation
Punctuation will influence intonation
5. Structure
6. Vocabulary
Techniques of Reading :
1. Reading a loud, it is for practicing pronunciation.
2. Silent Reading, it is for comprehending.
3. Scanning, it is to find the specific information.
4. Skimming, it is for finding the main idea of the text.
It is about philosophy of Reading, hope it can be useful for everyone who read this blog
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